No gimmicks, No Excuses..........Just Results


We don't diet, we eat healthily, we exercise regularly, we indulge occasionally, we always support our fellow team mates! Always!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 6 Results - only two weigh in's to go!!

Biggest Loser - Miss Magenta
Biggest Loser Team - Early Risers

The Results this week were disappointing, but it is inevitable that we will have one dud week out of 8.  

These result results will do one of two things 
1. motivate you to achieve your goal
2. demotivate you and give you the excuse to switch off!
Much will depend on your attitude and how much you want your goal.  Don't fool yourself or me that you don't really care and "I just can't get into it" really doesn't buy it.  This is a clear case of setting yourself a goal, an achievable goal, and restricting your excesses for just 8 weeks.

By the end of the 8 weeks, if you have not given it your very best you WILL regret it, not because your not as light as you would have liked to have been, but the regret will sit firmly in the "I could have tried harder, I know i could do it really"  The next 10 days are critical and if you train hard, every day and eat well everyday you will still get good results, but there in no room for  "just one glass or just a little bit"  at this late stage every mouthful counts.

Early black magenta pink pale pink green lime clear silver   Total
Risers - Loss -500 1100 -200 -1400 500 -200 100 1500
Loss to Date 3200 3700 4100 1200 2200 2500 1200 7600
Target to date 4575 3675 4425 3900 2625 3525 2025 7500
% of target 70% 101% 93% 31% 84% 71% 59% 101%

Princessses turq red pale ble navy blue yell orang jade ice blue Total
  0 400 0 -600 0 100 -100 0 -800 -1000
Loss to Date 2300 2100 3100 1800 400 3300 2300 3400 1700  
Target to date 3225 2100 3150 2700 5700 3375 2925 4500 3075  
% of target 71% 100% 98% 67% 7% 98% 79% 76% 55%