No gimmicks, No Excuses..........Just Results


We don't diet, we eat healthily, we exercise regularly, we indulge occasionally, we always support our fellow team mates! Always!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 5 Results

Biggest Loser - Miss Pale Blue
Biggest Loser Team = Princesses
Biggest Loser Pair= Miss Navy, Miss Pale Blue & Miss Blue
Training Star of the week = Miss Navy
"Those of you who didn't lose this week, need to review their eating program, make sure you are not hungry and are eating enough.  Starving yourself does not work!"

Early  Black Magenta  Pink  Pale pink  Green Lime  clear Silver Total
Risers - Loss 0 0 2000 400 500 200 -200 0 2900
Loss to Date 3700 2600 4300 2600 2200 2700 1100 5200
Target to date 5062.5 3062.5 3687.5 3562.5 2500 3562.5 1687.5 6250
% of target 73% 85% 117% 73% 88% 76% 65% 83%
g's to go 4400 2300 1600 3100 1800 3000 1600 4800
Princessses Turq Red pale blue Navy Blue Yellow Orange  Jade IceBlue Total
500 400 1400 1000 -200 600 0 600 500 4800
Loss to Date 2300 1700 3100 2300 400 3200 2400 3400 2500
Target to date 3000 1750 3562.5 2562.5 4750 3125 2750 4062.5 3187.5
% of target 77% 97% 87% 90% 8% 102% 87% 84% 78%
g's to go 2500 1100 2600 1800 7200 1800 2000 3100 2600