As with many things in our lives, starting something new is the hardest thing to do. I hope that Today you got up and decided "this is the start of the new me, I can and will make the most of this opportunity to make the changes I want" The only thing stopping you from achieving your goal is YOU. You have all weighed in and you now know your weekly weight loss targets. I strongly advise you to focus on the weekly target only.
This program not only challenges you physically, but predominately mentally. Write down your potential pitfalls, keep a close watch and determine how you will approach them. If you like me have little willpower over certain foods, then don't buy them or put yourself in a position of temptation. Once you've been on this program for a couple of weeks and seen your results you will start to feel stronger and more determined. Habits take two weeks to form and four weeks to break!
shame i can't start shrink today with you all. Not to worry, I haven't put on any weight cause I can't get up to get to the f-ing fridge.