You've paid your money, so you take your choice................to say i am disappointed with this weeks result is a minor understatement. The core of you are doing incredibly well and you should be very proud of your hard work and achievements. Now i always knew the ones who would struggle, but in amongst the "need to work harder" group were some unusual suspects. You know who you are. Stop messing around and wasting my time and yours, you're either in or your out. Its not too late to 'pull your finger out' and get back in the zone. Inablility to make training is one excuse, but non weigh in is NOT and never will be excused, so face up to the results. Every action has a reaction, so just a slither of Pizza or "just a little bit" of chocolate cake won't massively affect your weight loss but impacts your will power and attitude enormously. Don't kid yourself or me that it doesn't matter, because we both know it does!! Two more weighs in's to go. It's time to pull out all the stops, because procrastination is the mother of 'lazy arses'!