No gimmicks, No Excuses..........Just Results


We don't diet, we eat healthily, we exercise regularly, we indulge occasionally, we always support our fellow team mates! Always!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The end is never the end!

Check out the final results, Wow wee!
I am so proud of all of you and you should be proud of yourselves,
You have all shown incredible mental strength and toughness throughout the program. The difference between good results and great results is down to your dedication to making the changes that not only improve your health but have a direct impact on your self esteem.

Body Shrink only works if you follow the program that I have designed. It's not rocket science, just common sense - eat healthily and exercise. What you put in your mouth accounts for 70% of weight loss, exercise improves your muscle tone and "heart and lung fitness" which makes your body more efficient at using up that unwanted fat and building lean muscle that improves the rate at which you burn calories.

The greatest result is seeing the massive improvement in fitness and how much we learn to love that post exercise feeling, together with how the physical changes mirror changes in self esteem and body image. You are learning to love how your body looks but more importantly loving it for what it can do. 10 times up Neilson Park steps - no problem!

For some of you, it's goodbye, for the rest, see you next term for Maintenance or BodyShrink! Remember just because the program is over, don't let the fat lady sing!! Nothing tastes better than wearing skinny jeans and F**k off heels!